I am mummy, hear me roar

A collection of stuff I find looking for things to educate and entertain my 2 yr old

Archive for April, 2009

Earth Day

April 22nd is here…Earth Day.

What are you doing?  Well the only thing close to me is actually a little too far to take a 2 year old to and expect him to behave, so looks like we’re staying home.

To be honest I’m kinda failing the whole ‘green’ thing here at the moment.  I gave up asking the shop people to not put the one item I’m buying in a plastic bag, or the three items in their own separate bags once bubba boy started to walk.  I have to wait so long for them to first understand what I mean (because god forbid you don’t bag everything 1 million times in this country)and then after realisation dawns that the crazy foreigner wants to carry the very same things she carried in her hand to the counter out the door, 5 meters to her car/bike, they have to ask permission to put pretty tape on every single item (permission being the operative word – you cant actually refuse, a receipt is not enough apparently).  And with a little fellow fascinated with doors and beeping things it’s time I just don’t have.

But, I wonder guiltily, what on earth can I do with all these bags.  Thanks to the internet I have some wonderful ideas…

Fusing Plastic Bags

Plastic Bag Yarn

Plastic Bag Sandals

Weaving tools

Plastic Bag Dresses (only pictures no tute)

Threadbanger (search for “plastic bags”)

Google (search for “recycling plastic bags craft”)